Be a Jitterbug, Not a Litterbug

For one of my classes a couple of semesters ago, we got extra credit if we found grammatical errors or other mistakes on signs and flyers. My understanding of the word “litter” means something that is discarded on the ground when it does not belong there. “Garbage” defines anything that is waste or unwanted.

The above sign is amusing to me because litter is on the ground; garbage is in the trash. If we put litter in its place it would defeat the purpose of the sign.

Regardless, the meaning is more important than the syntax.

Littering doesn’t benefit anyone, except possibly parole violators who have to have some sort of humiliating community service. Most litter comes from cigarette butts, fast food wrappers, or scattered remnants of broken relationships strewn across the street.

Greenecoservices came up with a list of twelve ways to reduce littering:

1. Set an example by not littering.
2. Pick up one piece of litter every day.

3. Every week, pick up all the litter in front of your house, including the street

4. Ask your neighbors to properly dispose of their trash. Show them the difference between a clean area and an area spoiled by litter, and stress why it’s important to put trash in proper containers.

5. Make sure that your trash cans have lids that can be securely attached. If you have curbside trash service, don’t put out unopened containers or boxes filled with trash.

6. Carry a litter bag in your car. Ask local businesses to buy car litter bags and distribute them to customers. Encourage them to print their names and an environmental message on the bag.

7. Ask your neighbors and or friends to join you in cleaning up one public area where litter has accumulated.
8. If you or a member of your family is involved in a civic group, scouting, or recreational sports program, encourage the group to become involved in a cleanup.. Or have the group “adopt” a spot and maintained it on a regular basis.

9. Find out how you can plant and maintain flowers along a curb or sidewalk. People litter less where areas have been beautified.

10. Ask business owners to check their dumpsters every day to make sure tops and side doors are closed. If the business has a loading dock, ask them to keep it clean, and to put out a receptacle for employees to use.

11. Ask business owners to provide trash cans in front of their business with a sign.-Please do not litter

12. If you own a construction or hauling business, make sure your trucks are covered when transporting material to and from sites. Use snow fencing around construction or demolition sites to prevent debris from being blown into other areas. Put trash containers on every floor for construction workers.

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